
Connecting With Others Without Judging Them

By imagining yourself as being a neutral party in relationships, you can be more present and connected to others.

Whatever we are doing, wherever we are, we can connect spaciously. In connecting spaciously we add the being component to the doing action of connecting. Although we can connect with someone by being interested in them, what they are doing, and who they are, or even connect in the blink of an eye as we experience commonality, when we connect spaciously, we are more. We have shifted into being: being open, beyond judgement, hearts bigger than the universe. We accept others completely for who they are in the moment while having full faith and confidence that they can be whatever they want.

What happens when we connect spaciously?

In our space of complete, connected acceptance, we are nonreactive. Through our nonreactivity, we change the state of being and the doing of the people with whom we connect. Equally as important, we change ourselves. We feel what we are capable of, and have the courage to move forward despite fear.

Suggested Action

Think of a time when you felt fully present. Observe what enabled you to be present. Make a list of what worked. Some might find yoga, meditation, having free time, and being in nature beneficial. Find what works for you. Make a goal of re-creating the conditions that allowed you to be present at least once this week.

Listen to Audio of this Tip: Connect Spaciously 2m06s
(Sometimes hearing the tip causes you to process it differently.)

Spaciously connect

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Leanne Cusumano Roque