
Finding Peace by Releasing Expectation

Learn how to find peace by releasing expectations.

The key to immediate peace is releasing our expectations.* If we are caught up in what we expect is true about the past, what we think is true about the present, and what we want to be true in the future, our minds churn and churn, like a blender that eventually separates us into bits.

How can we return to wholeness?

While all of our lives are in some aspect a result of our perceptions, we can move our perceptions closer to reality. As we do, we move closer to wholeness and to peace. In observing what happens around us, we can stop at an observation without assigning additional meaning to it. Whereas once we might have said, “Well, he said such and such, so that means blah blah blah blah blah….,” we can consciously stop at the observation that “He said such and such.” Period. End of story. No concoction. No expectations. No past, present, or future world constructed from the figments of our imagination. Rather, a simple observation; one that is not pleasant, is not painful, and is not even neutral. It just is.

How can we remember to stop concocting and start being in peace?

Whenever we catch our mouths or our minds moving in circles, churning, worrying at something like a dog with an old bone, we can ask ourselves, “What expectations do I have here? How can I release those expectations?” Then, we know what to do. We can take the next step that moves us closer to releasing our expectations, and moving into peace.

Suggested Action

Write down a situation that is causing you a lot of stress right now. Write the word “Should” below it. List all the things that you believe should be happening. Write “Should Not.” Write a list of all the things that you believe should not be happening. These represent our expectations. Decide what you want to do with your list, to help you release those expectations. It might be destroying the list in a physical way. Or it might involve thinking about each item and imagining it being released like a bird from a cage.

Listen to Audio of this Tip: Immediate Peace 2m36s –

(Sometimes hearing the tip causes you to process it differently.)

What is the key to immediate peace?

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Leanne Cusumano Roque