
Being Comfortable With Not Knowing the Answer

Increasing our comfort level with uncertainty can open up many options in our lives

That’s a trick question, right? If we knew what the Great Unknown was, it wouldn’t be unknown! True. At the same time, we do know that the Great Unknown is simply a function of time. Time reveals all. What do we do and be in the interim?

We recognize we are in the time just before the unknown becomes known

In this time, we are in a dual state of being. We feel as if our heads are filled with static. So many possibilities! No idea which way to turn! Stops and starts over and over again! We also feel that something good is happening. We are excited. We feel our energy shifting. We see openings where before we thought there were none.


What do we do with our recognition?

Not much. There really isn’t much for us to do except hang on for the ride, leave ourselves open to transformation, and trust that all is exactly as it should be. Even, perhaps especially, when we don’t feel like it.

Suggested Action

List questions in your life that you would love to know now, but have no way of knowing. Sort them in order of which questions you MOST would love to know. For the most important questions, brainstorm steps you could take to test or make the unknown known. Then sit quietly. Can you find peace in not knowing for this moment? Can you feel the potential of this moment? If you feel discomfort, how could you use that discomfort as fuel in your journey to find answers?

Listen to Audio of this Tip: Accepting the Unknown 2:00 min –

(Sometimes hearing the tip causes you to process it differently.)

Getting nothing but static, getting nothing but static.

Static filling my attic from Channel Z

I don’t know—I feel like something’s happening

Something good is happening!

~ Channel Z – The B-52s

What is the Great Unknown?

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Leanne Cusumano Roque