Be living more of the life you want and less of the life you don’t want.
Everyone wants to accomplish the things that are most important to them. What if you could consistently achieve 92%+ of your top priorities?
You want balance, fulfillment and well-being, but right now, are you moving towards achieving the high priorities that will get you there
Money? Service? Spirituality? Health? It’s not about having co-equal balance. It’s about creating the balance that works for you. It’s not about getting it all. It’s about creating what matters most to you.
For what matters most to you. Why trudge along in a job that is o.k., live with relationships that are fine, or just get by? Why wait for pain to exceed tolerance to make a change?
The Top Priorities Achievement Program you get what matters to you. You can accomplish 92%+ of your top priorities.
Identify the top set of priorities you want to achieve by the end of the program. We begin working with them immediately.
You identify the big picture by creating a personal mission statement.
You set the parameters for the life or organization you want.
You make strategic and tactical choices on how to use your time, money and energy.
You learn from your choices so you are consistently making progress.
Executive coaching helps you make decisions, big or small. Clients consistently achieve 92%+ of their top goals.
Unlike training or consulting, when you are part of a masterful coaching partnership, you provide your own answers. Get a partner with curiosity about you and the masterful coaching skills to help you discover your own ways.
Today is relevant only to know what to add or change to get what you want. It is the energy of the future that pulls us forward. That’s where we focus in our masterful coaching partnership.
such as C-Suite Executives, SES, Entrepreneurs, and Attorneys. You are a successful, high performer. And you know there is something more.
To accomplish during the program. We meet one:one by phone, video, or in person 9 times, with each meeting 2-3 weeks apart, 2 hours per meeting, for a 4-6 month program. At each meeting you identify the Key Results you want to accomplish by the next meeting so as to stay on track. You work on your priorities between meetings and then with coaching you evaluate what worked and what you want to change.
You graduate with a written record of what makes you successful, as well as having completed those priorities you focus on during the program.
you can live life like you drive your car.
You then make minute course corrections so as to stay on track, rather than driving in a straight line until you run off the road.
You can identify the outcomes you want before acting so you select actions that lead to your destination. As you take action, you can learn what works for you and apply what you learn to make adjustments as you go. In this way, you notice earlier when you are headed off track, and make timely changes to stay on track.
Achieve your top priorities in a way that allows you not to struggle so much but gives you the ability to live with ease.
Specific results I’ve achieved since starting coaching include “able to have fun without guilt, identified career opportunities, discovered what’s important in life to me, and tools for prioritizing life.
I am getting “tools, approaches, and ways of seeing things differently that allow me to navigate my options better and feel better about it too!”
Coaching is “helping me focus on choices, set priorities, and accomplish things that matter to me. Also helping me change my attitude about getting things done, focus on things I can control and adjust my response to things I can’t control.”
Be living more of the life you want and less of the life you don’t want.
Be achieving more of your top priorities, more consistently and easily.
Know what brings you satisfaction and fulfillment and how to use that as criteria for making choices
Understand more about your values, beliefs, and assumptions and how those affect your life.
Have a system for how to consistently achieve results and well-being and make purposeful choices
a succinct statement of what brings you satisfaction and fulfillment
how you choose to implement your personal mission, across life areas
what you choose to do, be and have within your lifetime
know how to generate options and then set a plan for a specific 12-month period
identify the most important key results for you to achieve every 2 to 3 weeks and acknowledge what you accomplish
identify what makes you successful
monitor your well-being – don’t be the hamster on the wheel – do what brings you satisfaction!
Team Coaching is useful in organizations for teams engaged in specific projects and for leadership engaged in strategic planning and implementation. Using Team Coaching you answer questions like: What is our team purpose? How do we define success? What is the future of our organization? What direction should we take our team? Should we reorganize?
Learn how to ask the right questions so people take responsibility for their own actions.
You’ll learn how to:
1) Establish a shared purpose at the beginning of your meetings
2) Listen for how the person talks so you can speak …
3) Ask powerful questions to help them see a bigger….
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