The Top Priorities Achievement Program

Ready to do and be what matters most to you?
* (10) 45-minute 1:1 coaching meetings over 6 months with unlimited check-ins
Focus on accomplishing what matters most to you
Get personalized attention and coaching
Get support between meetings
Wheel of Life

Leadership Circle 360 + Coaching

Ready to take a 360 for yourself?
The Leadership Circle Profile 360 * 1-hour debrief meeting to highlight strengths, patterns, and possibilities
1-hour 1:1 confidential coaching meetings to help integrate land experiment with insights from the 360

Mental Fitness Group Coaching

Bring a group of 4 and grow your mental fitness!
45 minute virtual group coaching meetings: once a week for 8 weeks, for up to 4 people
Access to the Positive Intelligence mental fitness app (PQ app) for the 6 week initial program, including Daily Focus & Coach Challenges
Access to the "Grow" portions of the PQ app for 90 days after the initial program, including Daily Focus & Coach Challenges
Increase grey matter in positive mental muscles *Decrease grey matter in negative mental muscles *Improve productivity and customer satisfaction
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Coaching for Results, Coaching for leaders

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+1 (703) 297-2224

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