
Staying Focused On Our Most Important Goals

Learning how to recognize “signposts” on our journey can help keep our energy focused on our vision.

There are lots of lives to lead other than our own. In the short term, another’s path can seem easy, the path of least resistance. But the fruits of being off path always come back to us. Our health suffers. We feel dissatisfied. We reach the end of life and wonder what we spent our time doing and why we bothered. Although finding our own way takes energy and faith, the rewards include being able to live in the world and with ourselves with integrity, at peace.

What are our signposts?

Wouldn’t it be great if, in the midst of the forest of choices with which we are surrounded, we came upon blazes to mark our path, and even better, stairs to take us easily up from one level to the next? The blazes and the stairs are present. We just need to open our eyes and look around to see them. When we are on our path, we feel satisfaction in our work. When we are on our path, we do things for their own sake, rather than as a replacement for or escape from something else. When we are on our path, we feel energized.

How can we use our signposts?

By tuning in to how we feel and acknowledging the validity of our feelings, we use what we learn from our signposts to evaluate our options. If we record those times we feel satisfied, do something for its own sake, or get energized by doing something, we can then look for patterns in what we record to know what we want to do more of. In this way, we can consistently move in the direction of what works for us. We stay on our path.

What good is finding our way?

Suggested Action

At the top of a piece of paper, write a statement that describes your most important goal. Below it, write a list of your current commitments. Think about each one, and how they are supporting that important goal, or not. Evaluate whether the items below should shift or whether there are gaps that would better fulfill that goal.

Listen to Audio of this Tip: Finding Our Way 2m16s:

(Sometimes hearing the tip causes you to process it differently.)

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Leanne Cusumano Roque