
Knowing When to Quit

Learn how to evaluate whether you are almost there, and whether it is worth pushing through.


The other day we walked from National Harbour to the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, a round trip of about 4 miles, half uphill. My son began asking how far we were going after about a half mile. My own feet felt tired, and I wanted a nap. But I knew that I would enjoy the walk, the view, and the company, and so I chose to keep going, placing one foot in front of another, again, and again, and again. When we reached the summit, we were delighted! We had a grand view of the Potomac River, read the historical markers, enjoyed the busyness of the bridge, and spied boats on the river brought close by the free binoculars. Our ability to keep moving, despite all the naysaying inside us, led us to experience joy.

There was a moment, though

a moment almost to and within view of the summit, when I thought about stopping. In some way, because I could see the summit, it seemed as good as finishing. But what was in my head was not the same as reality. In my head, I did not know about the binoculars, the bald eagles’ nest, or the joy of completion. And although I could see the summit, I could see nothing of what came after. I’ve started to notice when I feel that point of wanting to stop, recognize it, and then choose to keep going to see, feel, and hear, what more there is.

But isn’t there a time to quit?

Yes, there is a time to quit some things, or at least change our approach. But if we are in the habit of stopping when we are almost there – even if we don’t know we are so close – we have the opportunity to notice our desire to quit, and to keep going just a bit further to see what happens.

99% is showing up. Again. And again. And again.

Suggested Action

hink about a project that you have been working on for a long time that you feel like quitting. Are you actually almost there? What systems could you put in place to support you as you keep going that last distance? Could you do something small to see if the momentum would carry you to the finish line?

Listen to Audio of this Tip: Keep Going 2m28s

(Sometimes hearing the tip causes you to process it differently.)

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Leanne Cusumano Roque