
Knowing How You or Others Will Likely Respond

Knowing more about your Myers Briggs type, and what is happening for other types, can help you be less surprised by people’s responses.

What if you could predict what your co-worker, spouse, or child is likely to do in a particular circumstance? Well, with a little knowledge, you can make a pretty good guess about what that person’s preference is. Of course, since a preference is just that – like being right or left-handed – you or another can always choose to do something else. But at least you’ll know what your inclination is, be able to recognize that inclination when it arises, and consciously choose what you want to do.

A recent Bulletin of Psychological Type

(, published by the Association for Psychological Type, includes several articles on how knowing one’s Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) personality type has been of use.

One author, Sidney Craig Courtice, talks about how type has added value to her relationship with her daughter.

Another, Andrea Boulanger Lowe, discusses her experience working with an organization that has a type vastly different from her own.

Chris Nichols ( discusses how, in mid-life, our non-dominant preferences can start to bloom.

Kathy Quinn discusses becoming comfortable being oneself regardless of others’ expectations, thanks to knowing type.

Kathryn Jarvis talks about how knowing type has created more acceptance in relationships.

And, in the article Self-Knowledge: The Key to the Universe (, which you can read by clicking the link, I talk about how type has impacted my career choices and how I use my time and energy.

Suggestion Action

Take the Myers Briggs assessment and study what causes people from different types to respond differently –

What if you could predict what you are likely to do in a particular circumstance?

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Leanne Cusumano Roque