
Experience Emotion Fully

By allowing yourself to sit and experience emotions fully, even challenging ones, you can have a more neutral long-term experience of the emotion.

What emotion do you experience as you look? Do you place a label on the emotion you feel? Happy? Sad? Do you tell a story to go with what you are seeing?

What if, instead of using words, you simply feel?

Look again at the picture. Let go of the story. Let go of any words that come into the mind. Sit with the emotion. Sit with the emotion. Sit with the emotion. Notice where you feel the emotion in your body. Sit with the emotion. When ready, keep living.*

Sitting is powerful

Sometimes when we feel emotions we label as bad, difficult, or sad, we are inclined to ignore the emotion. We turn away from it mentally and sometimes physically, and focus on something we feel is positive. But when we do that, we are in fact killing ourselves, a little at a time. By choosing instead to sit with the emotion, we are living, fully. We are integrating every piece of us. We are valuing who we are. We are learning what it is our time to learn.

Life is incredible

Look at the picture

When we sit with our emotions we become honest with ourselves, which makes us honest in the world, in our relationships with everyone around us. That clear light is brilliant, blinding, even frightening when we first experience it, perhaps saddening when we realize how much we’ve been missing. The past does not matter. There is always time for today. For change. For life.

Suggested Action

The next time you start to feel a big emotion, find a quiet place to sit and feel that emotion fully. Set a timer for a certain amount of time if that makes the action seem more realistic. When the time is up, write down observations about what happened.

Listen to Audio of this Tip: Sitting 2m56s
(Sometimes hearing the tip causes you to process it differently.)

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Leanne Cusumano Roque