
Creating Good Boundaries that Protect

Learn how to create good boundaries so your life feels more balanced and you are energized to do the things you most want.

What do we get? When our male energy is active, we create boundaries to which we hold steady, and protect those whom we consider within our clan

How do we benefit from fatherhood?

We benefit from fatherhood in at least three ways. First, when we are within the clan, we know we are protected. Second, as we access our male energy, decision-making is easy. We are clear about what our boundaries are; what we are willing to accept; when it is time to say, firmly, “No.” Third, those around us know exactly where we stand.

How can we use our male energy consciously?

We can use our male energy consciously as we answer the question “Who do I want to be?” As we create our vision of our self, we can create the outline by starting with our boundaries. What are our absolutes? About what do we have clarity? In answering these questions, we begin to see who we are.

Fatherhood, the male energy

Suggested Action

Make a list of your current commitments. Put a green dot beside the ones that you are looking forward to, a yellow dot next to the ones that are neutral and a red dot next to the ones that you think could drain your energy. Evaluate the red dot commitments and see if you could say “no” to any of them. Pick one and make a plan to change your boundaries so this commitment goes away.

Listen to Audio of this Tip: Fatherhood 1m54s:

(Sometimes hearing the tip causes you to process it differently.)

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Leanne Cusumano Roque