Find the patterns from past experiences where you felt a great sense of purpose, and you will likely have more clarity about your purpose.
You may have read, seen, or heard talk of purpose. Some say that our time to think and talk about our “purpose” is a luxury permitted by the fact of our basic needs being met – and in many cases exceeded. Is it? Or is it in and of itself a fundamentally human characteristic? One that people have talked about from the beginning of time?
You know. You know because you have experienced those moments in life when you felt that you were exactly where you were meant to be, doing exactly what you were supposed to be doing, and feeling a tremendous sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in your doing and being. You felt the arrow hit bullseye.
Not terminally unique, but unique in that we have a one-of-a-kind set of skills and experiences. Why mess around? Why not use those skills for what brings satisfaction and fulfillment, for each of us? Times’ a’ ticking.
Think about those times when the arrow hit home. Describe in writing your experience and what you got from your experience. Do so for 8 of such experiences. Select the words that are key for you. Post the words where you see them everyday. Identify several specific, measurable, attainable, positive, personal, present tense ways you can bring more of those characteristics into your life. Take action.
Listen to Audio of this Tip: Purpose 1m50s:
(Sometimes hearing the tip causes you to process it differently.)